Friday, April 26, 2013

Time for TIM

Self evaluation is not a favored activity. Having said that, I would put myself at the intersection of Authentic and Infusion.

I will use the example of teaching the concept of "Inflation" from my Computer Applications class.

"Find the current rate".
The students get the latest and greatest inflation rate and CPI from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
"Go shopping".
They go online to find prices of 25 items.
"Organize your data."
They create a spreadsheet in Google Sheets and have to utilize and copy the correct formula.
"Make a visual representation of your numeric data."
They select the appropriate type and element format of  a chart.
"Roleplay the interaction of wages and prices."
They divide into co-dependent groups of producers and consumers.
"Explain Inflation in terms a 2nd grader could understand with text and images."
They take creative pictures of objects of incrementally larger size.
They write an example, usually allowance related, of the upward spiral of prices.
They create a presentation in Google Slides of all of the above.
The class selects their favorite the presentation and presenters and Skype with 2nd graders in our feeder schools.

All the technology uses above are chosen by the students as an effective tool to accomplish the assigned task.

It is after all the class "Computer Applications".
I teach economics concepts in spreadsheets - design and layout in digital photography - marketing and advertising in photo editing - writing for social media for Facebook and Twitter - I can go on and on.

I am not teaching technology use per se - it is a tool to achieve tasks.    

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