Wednesday, June 5, 2013

There are two significant take-aways for me.

First - the variety of software packages was illuminating. I tend to be a niche surfer and also get into a rut of not exploring software options enough. Several new programs are going to be liberally sprinkled throughout my curriculum (notably Screencast-o-matic, VoiceThread, and EtherPad).

Second - a sense of hope. It really gets discouraging to have to show the same teachers the exact same things (attachments in an e-mail, setting up Finals in the demographic program, using a laptop with a projector, how to use Google for gosh sake) over and over and over. It is just disheartening to hear that "it ain't broke - why fix it" complaint from teachers about technology use in the classroom invariably by teachers who curriculum/content/delivery is indeed broken. this class was a glimmer of hope - that there are many teachers out there willing to experiment - to try new things - to want to continually evolve and improve.